Family Support

NEABPD Family Connections is a free 12-week course that meets weekly to provide education and skills training for people who are in a relationship with someone who has BPD. It is led by trained group leaders who are usually family members. Family Connections courses are offered in-person and online.
Center for DBT and Families
The Center for DBT and Families provides training in DBT and DBT with families. They seek to provide education, skills, and resources for parents, couples, and families to promote effective interactions and individual well-being based on DBT with family principles. They offer several different group formats, including time-limited and ongoing groups. These groups are intended for parents whose teen and adult children struggle with or have a history of suicidality and other severe emotion dysregulation difficulties and/or problems related to emotion dysregulation. The Center also offers consultation and Training for professionals.

Family Connections™ – Managing Suicidality & Trauma Recovery Program
Family Connections™ – Managing Suicidality & Trauma Recovery is a FREE program that helps parents manage the stress and trauma from their child’s self-harm or suicidal behavior. If you are experiencing increased distress, worry or anxiety, grief, family conflict, or if you are unsure how to respond to your child’s crisis behavior, the course can help. This evidence-based, free course provides education, skills and support for parents and is offered in two formats, once a week for 12 weeks or as a 2-day weekend intensive.

Sashbear Foundation
Sashbear delivers Family Connections throughout Canada in both French and English. Provided by trained peer family members who speak from personal experience this free, international, evidence-based program provides skills, support and hope for family members or friends of someone with emotion dysregulation.

NEABPD Australia belongs to the International NEA.BPD family. NEA.BPDAust offers a free 12-week Family Connections course led by trained group leaders. Family Connections™ programs are available across Australia for those who are living with and/or caring for a person with Borderline Personality Disorder.

NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 12-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people living with mental illness. NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by trained family members. Also available in Spanish, De Familia a Familia de NAMI.