Much more attention has been paid to Borderline Personality Disorder over the past 20 years than ever before. The watershed moment came in 1993 with the publication of Marsha Linehan’s books and research papers detailing her innovative treatment for BPD, Dialectical Behavior Therapy. It wasn’t long before BPD captured the creative attention of a number of film writers (Girl Interrupted, Fatal Attraction, Secretary) and procedural police dramas (Law & Order in all its various forms and many others both in the US and the UK).

Unfortunately, the light that began to illuminate BPD has greatly distorted the condition as well as people who actually meet the criteria. Fortunately, a number of mental health researchers and clinicians followed Linehan’s lead and today there are a number of worthwhile therapies, clinics, books and organizations that present BPD in a more realistic and compassionate manner.

One of those experts is Blaise Aguirre, MD, a well-regarded therapist, behavioral scientist, author and lecturer. Dr. Aguirre recently wrote an article in the Huffington Post that debunked a few of the many misconceptions people have about BPD.

As Dr. Aguirre says in the piece “So you think you know about BPD? Think again”. is an information and resource hub about borderline personality disorder and the impact that has on people with the disorder and their families, friends and loved ones.

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