Today is Marsha Linehan’s Birthday.

Today is Marsha Linehan’s Birthday.

Happy Birthday! Dr. Linehan is the developer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, also known as DBT. DBT is the the most effective and widely studied treatment for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. particularly for the BPD related problems of suicidal thinking...
There’s a Mental-Health Crisis Among American Children. Why?

There’s a Mental-Health Crisis Among American Children. Why?

It should come as no surprise that problems with mental health have been on the rise over the past two years. However, studies have recently shown that the Covid-19 pandemic is not the sole driver in the dramatic increase in mental health cases. This New York Times article from Kim Tingley explores the mental health epidemic that Americans, particularly American children, are currently facing:

10 Core Beliefs of Personality Disorders

10 Core Beliefs of Personality Disorders

“Schema” are enduring thought patterns learned early on that filter our view of the world and how to interact with it.
Understanding the maladaptive schema of personality-disordered people can help put their behaviors into perspective.
Personality-disorder-related core schema include abandonment, incompetence, control, belonging, suspiciousness, entitlement, and status.