Julia Xanthos, NY Daily News
Elad Nehorai started a Tumblr page “I Have a Therapist” to break down the stigma of seeking professional help with mental health issues.
Thousands of shrink-goers are logging onto the blog, “I Have a Therapist,” created… by a bi-polar Brooklyn man hoping to break the stigma of seeking professional mental health help.
“Therapy is the best thing to ever happen to me,” said webpreneur Elad Nehorai, 29, whose Tumblr blog encourages people to get help when they need it — and then to share their stories.
More than 5,400 people have checked out the site since Oct. 16 (2013) Commentators on ihaveatherapist.com also pose with a sign reading “I have a therapist,” “therapy is awesome” or with other similar messages.
Most of the poignant posts are from teen girls and young women who don’t shy away from sharing their darkest problems on the World Wide Web.
“Guys think they are too tough to go see a therapist,” said Nehorai, co-founder for Charidy, a web-based fundraiser which runs the site…. –SIMONE WEICHSELBAUM, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, November 4, 2013
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