TW: Discussion of Suicide and Self Harm

“In people with BPD, self-disgust is typically related to a persistent feeling of being irrevocably bad, repulsive, or flawed. This results in harsh self-criticism, self-hatred, or self-loathing. It can sometimes be explained by previous experiences of invalidation, insecurity, or abuse.”

This article from Forbes by Mark Travers discusses a recent study linking feelings of self-disgust in adolescents and the potential of developing BPD. Besides being informative about BPD and self-perception, the article also offers some proactive advice for readers who might be experiencing these symptoms:

“For anyone experiencing feelings of self-disgust, or for guardians who might notice these behavioral patterns in loved ones, the researchers have the following words of advice:

-Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This takes courage, but there are qualified people who can help you find answers to the problems you or your loved ones are facing.

-Your feelings are valid and true but they don’t define who you are. There are many research-backed ways of managing BPD symptoms, but it all starts with self-acceptance and self-respect.

-Learn to love yourself from the bottom to the top. All humans are imperfect. Embrace who you are, as you are, and fight for being more of what you want to be. There is much more goodness in all of us than we realize.”

This positive reinforcement and encouraging advice are refreshing to see in a mainstream publication discussing the topic of BPD.

You can read the full article here